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What is Dendrofanax Extract and How is It Used?

What is Dendrofanax Extract and How is It Used?

Dendrofanax Morbifera is the binominal name for Hwanghil. Hwanghil is a broad-leaved evergreen tree native to Korea, especially in the southern coastal areas. Dendrofanax is the scientific name for this plant, as stands for “cure for all kinds of diseases” or “panacea”. Hwanghil has a rich history in relation to both art, culture, and medicine. It was even used as incense I 1590 during the Ming Dynasty to create a golden paint (from the sap) and medicine.

Dendrofanax morbifera tea is extremely popular in many circles due to its medicinal benefits. For those who prefer not to drink Dendrofanax morbifera tea, a Dendrofanax extract is also available. The extract is typically made from fermented Dendrofanax morbifera leaves and stems. The best way to consume the extract is different based upon individual preferences although it is often added to cold or warm water at a ratio of 1:3.

What Are the Health Benefits of Dendrofanax Morbifera Tea/Extract?

Based on the other ingredients in Dendrofanax morbifera tea it can be difficult to identify all of the available health benefits, but looking solely at the extract can create a clearer picture of the health benefits provided by the Hwanghil tree.


One of the benefits of Dendrofanax extract is its ability to decrease the level of cholesterol and triglycerides while increasing the level of HDL cholesterol. Essentially, it has been proven to decrease the level of bad cholesterol in the blood which makes it an excellent and effective natural heart health supplement.

Bioactivity Enhancement

Another area where Dendrofanax extract has proven to be beneficial is bioactivity enhancement. Bioactivity enhancement relates to the ability of an herbal medicine to enhance the body’s natural functions. One example of this is the ability for Dendrofanax extract or Dendrofanax morbifera tea to help normalize the level of G OT and GPT. GOT and GPT are enzymes in liver cells which, when they are not normalized, can create significant inflammation. Dendrofanax extract has also proven to significantly decrease alkaline phosphates which are believed to play a role in liver and bone diseases.

Hard Tissue Regeneration

Some studies have shown that Dendrofanax extract can provide benefits in relation to improving hard tissue regeneration and proliferation. For example, it can be used directly or indirectly for osteoporosis patients and periodontal diseases. There are several reasons scientists believe it is effective ranging from its antioxidant functionality to its ability to suppress the activation of melanin production.

Overall, Dendrofanax extract and Dendrofanax morbifera tea offers the opportunity for numerous health benefits while also providing an excellent beverage that tastes great.

My name is Mable Hall, a professional freelance writer, like to introduce JBS Dendropanx R&D Centre . Overall, Dendrofanax extract and Dendrofanax Morbifera Tea offers the opportunity for numerous health benefits while also providing an excellent beverage that tastes great.

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