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A Review of Sit, Stay, Fetch

A Review of Sit, Stay, Fetch

If you’re a dog owner then you have to have Secrets to Dog Training (SitStayFetch) by Daniel Stevens. It teaches everything you need to know about training your dog to be in its best behavior. Say goodbye to aggression, chewing, excessive barking and biting. The manual includes ways to address over 25 common and uncommon issues with your dog. It also comes with bonus materials that focus on food selection for your dog, training tips and dog selection guide, among others.

I find dogs adorable but it wasn’t until a year ago that I felt safe enough to touch or pet them. As a kid I had the privilege of being bitten by a dog. I got past that fear eventually when I came to an understanding of how a dog’s behavior is shaped. Once that fear is out, you can finally feel the joy of having that fuzzy friend around without inhibitions.

The Secrets to Dog Training will help you manage your dog’s behavior through a comprehensive set of tips and tricks to train your dog sucessfully. The two important things you can learn about dog training from the manual are positive reinforcement and consistency.

During dog training, remember to keep positive reinforcement coming. This keeps dog from reverting to bad habits. Doggy treats given to dogs after a successful training is the best positive reinforcement. Hugging dogs and patting them in the head are the next best thing to a doggy treat; these are example of physical praises. When a dog pleases its master, it takes sheer delight in this and will try its best to imitate the things it has done to please its master. Therefore you have to show your dog what things please you by offering it doggy treats and hugs. Resorting to punishment, hurting your dog or screaming at it when it fails at a trick, for example, is a big no-no because they wouldn’t understand what you’re trying to say.

Training schedule for your dog must have consistency. Dogs learns faster when they know what to expect. Keep your dog sharp through proper nutrition which you can get from books like Dog Food Secrets by Andrew Lewis.
If you go online, you can find plenty of free tips and advice on dog training but none will ever be as comprehensive as those paid manuals. Stay up to pace with the experts and read product comparisons at for better knowledge on the subject.

Visit this pet training site for more information.

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