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What Makes Ultrasound Different Than Other Non-Surgical Face Lifting Techniques?

What Makes Ultrasound Different Than Other Non-Surgical Face Lifting Techniques?

There are a growing number of popular face lifting techniques used by health professionals, medical spas, and dermatologists to provide anti-aging effects to the face and neck area. The traditional method has always be the invasive surgical option; however it has fallen out of favor with many due to the risks, potential drawbacks, and effectiveness of newer noninvasive options.

Potential Risks and Drawbacks of Surgical Face Lifting Techniques

There are numerous potential risks and drawbacks of surgical face lifting techniques. While the practice continues to grow safer it is impossible to eliminate all the risks inherent to any form of invasive surgery. Along with the health related risks, there are aesthetic risks based upon the surgery and how an individual body reacts and recovers from the procedure. Commonly reported poor outcomes include asymmetry of the face, visible scarring, hair loss at the incision point, facial nerve injury, skin discoloration, and changes in skin sensation. In these cases, an additional surgical face lift is often the only option to attempt to reverse the unsatisfactory outcome.

How is Ultrasound Different from Laser Treatments?

There are several key differences between ultrasound and laser face lifting technologies. The primary difference is the type of energy used to provide results. Laser rely on light energy which can have problems reaching deeper skin layers at the optimal temperature for results. On the other hand, ultrasound utilizes sound energy which has the appropriate wavelength to allow it to bypass the surface of the skin and treat deeper skin tissue than other types of noninvasive face lifting techniques. The second difference is how much collagen production each technique can produce. Since laser therapy cannot reach the same depths as ultrasound treatments, it can only stimulate collagen production at shallower levels. Ultrasound creates maximum collagen production by reaching deeper skin layers.

Benefits of Ultrasound Face Lifting Treatments

The first benefit of ultrasound face lifting treatments is the ability to maximize collagen regeneration by penetrating deep into the skin at optimal temperature levels. This allows it to jumpstart the natural process of producing fresh, new collagen. This also allows it to avoid any fillers or toxins to achieve results by offering a triple layer lifting effect by generating collagen production at the superficial, deep dermis, and superficial muscular aponeurotic system levels.

The second benefit of using ultrasound face lifting treatments is the skins appearance post treatment.

Laser treatments typically create a significant amount of redness and lodging for several days until the skin recovers. This is largely due to the amount of heat needed to generate results. Since ultrasound face lifting treatments rely on a different type of energy, it is less irritating to the skin which provides a more natural, immediate post treatment appearance.

My name is Mable Hall, a professional freelance writer, like to introduce Classys Inc. . Since ultrasound Face Lifting treatments rely on a different type of energy, it is less irritating to the skin which provides a more natural, immediate post treatment appearance.

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